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Glimmering Castle Mod


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oh no, dont change the castle!

only the bedroom the towers can turn a person around. The rooms themselves wont change I just split up the den a little so the towers are in their own cell.


The new layout of my town is done. Unless I add a few more homes. Some screens. The moat is complete too.


The moat (and a little town)







The town ( though some fine tuning still needs done.




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The town looks excellent! and is that the mine i see in the distance in one of those screenies?


as far as the moat, well i'm so-so on moats anyways, but i personally like whole land layouts instead with maybe a stream or something.

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The town looks excellent! and is that the mine i see in the distance in one of those screenies?


as far as the moat, well i'm so-so on moats anyways, but i personally like whole land layouts instead with maybe a stream or something.


The mines are there in the distance. While i have STILL not done the courtyard The town sports shops as well. I have done a pawnbroker, Clothier, and an Armorer is what i am working on now. There is also the tavern shop. There are a few npcs with complete schedules. Most have partials schedules or none. The major source of jobs in the town is the mine. There are several guilds. There is the mining guild, the mercanry guild.

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very cool. i thought that was it. any ideas on what youre going to do with the courtyard?


Well i no longer need an inn in the courtyard. One will be a fletcher(archers are going to LOVE the retexured arrows i think. If i could do particles its the only way they would be better), another a jewler, another a bank( kicking a few ideas on how to go about it with on that one). I have a weaponsmith in the gate keep.


So i actually trying to think of shops for the courtyard. I was thinking a magic shop, nonmages guild. A place to buy soulgems,maybe specific spells via dialogue. Though at this point i am not good at dialogue. My one inn script somehow went weird.

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  • 2 weeks later...
any new updates?

I took a few days off from working on it, spend some quality time with the family. However some good news is someone offered to help with some texture work on the castle. From the screens he showed me, looks good. He is redoing some textures on the obelisks in the courtyard. I have about 3/4 of the town done. I am getting a little scared of the size of the file though, its about 100 meg after zipping. After playing with it i was able to get the archiver to lower the size to 80. However, any additional size will be minimal. maybe a few jumps as i retexture the courtyard shops. At least in this release.


BTW: The one doing the retexture is Elric_de_Melnibone. I do not impress easily, and he did a good job.


I promise though i should resume full fledge work by tommorrow at the latest, maybe even tonight.

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