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What is the MiscItem attach to the SEblacksmith animation


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i would like to know what is the miscitem attach to the smitting,hammering, animation ?

or what is the object i need to use to make my smith hammering....using a "use item at" AI package

knowing that would solve lots of problem i'm having now on that subject !!!


thank you very much !

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I believe it is either tongs or repair hammer. Not really sure since this is a SI animation, and I don't have SI installed currently. You can probably find this out rather quickly by looking at cutter's packages.


i did check and it give me no (target item).... in any of the package...so i dont know !!! like i said on my second topic... i am able to make him perform the idle (using force idle) but he has nothing in his hand.... do you have any idea what is wrong...(even if you dont have SI install At the momment)

more help and sugestion would be greatly appreciate...thanks !

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Only other bit of advice I could give would be to look through the Idle Animations listings under animobjectanims to see what conditions are listed for that animation. That should tell you exactly what is needed to trigger that animation in game.


yeah i just look at it and theres actualy 4 lines of condition that refer to the script !....i think this idle was intend to be played only by the 2 smith of SI....becuse if i modify these condition i would need to rewrite the srcipt for both smith as well....and im not good at scripting...so...i will forget this idle anim on my smith... that suck ! but eniways...thanks for your help friend ! it was really appreciate and usefull....at least now i know why i wasnt able to play that idle...

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