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The Dragon Misnomer


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If you do however manage to find a dragon skeleton with two wings and two back legs, I'll let you call it dragon and I'll go along with it. (Hint: a good place to start is to first find Beowulf's tomb, for in Beowulf they pushed they dragon's remains into the sea close to where he was buried.) Until you find those remains, I'll still call Skyrim dragons Wyverns.


Wait wait wait... Are you implying that Dragons are REAL!? If you are operating on the belief that a Dragon is a real creature with codified biologic characteristics, then no amount of logical discourse is going to help.


As for being someone who apparently has to always be right... There is a difference between having information to back up your claims of being right, and stating with blind determination something you cannot support in any way. I've presented evidence, you have presented none. And yet you remain determined to call TES Dragons, Wyverns despite every argument and point to the contrary.. Whose the one who feels the need to be right here?


Admittedly, i am a stubborn fool who holds to the belief that even the most wayward mind may be turned towards reason... How i stay so optimistic on the Internet could be the subject of many a psychology paper.

Edited by Lachdonin
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If by "agree to disagree' you are willing to admit your complaint has no basis, then yes. I will, however, carry on the fight every time you erroneously refer to a TES Dragon as a Wyvern, based not on the dubious distinction between the two in real world mythology, but based solely on the fact that Wyvern's do not exist in the TES universe. Even then, they would be free to refer to them as whatever they wish, because the name is contextually relevant.

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I end the argument saying that both of us can keep our opinions, yet you say that if I call them Wyverns you'll start another argument. According to the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution, I have the right to have my own opinion and distribute it. I do believe that repeatedly arguing with me over something I said is over and we both can keep our opinions constitutes harassment and I will treat it as such.
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I end the argument saying that both of us can keep our opinions, yet you say that if I call them Wyverns you'll start another argument. According to the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution, I have the right to have my own opinion and distribute it. I do believe that repeatedly arguing with me over something I said is over and we both can keep our opinions constitutes harassment and I will treat it as such.


You do know that the site is a privately owned, UK based site don't you?


Your "freedom of speech" doesn't exist here, we don't have to give you a platform to present anything. Now seeing as this is going nowhere but into an argument - topic locked.

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