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Weapon/Quiver Placement and Animations


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Now to start off I know that FNIS, XP32, Dual Sheath Redux and Immersive Animations have this partially covered already...
However I was wondering if it's even possible to do the following (and if it is then who's game to try, because I wouldn't have a clue where to start and, frankly, in my last year of study I wouldn't have the time):

To make a fully modulated (that is you pick and choose which parts you want) mod that includes;

1. Repositioning of shields onto backs, with an animation to draw/sheathe included (that presumably detects if you have a shield equipped or not).

2. Repositions bolt and arrow quivers (like in Chesko's belt-fastened quivers) with new draw/sheathe animations included (hopefully with optional compatibility for closer quivers+longer arrows, Immersive Weapons, Crossbow Collection, etc.)
3. Keeps the 1h sword at the left hip with sheathe, but puts the 2x1h swords on the back (as in DSR) with animations to fit.
4. Keeps the 1h dagger at the left hip with sheathe, but puts the 2x1h daggers on the back (as in DSR) with animations to fit.
5. Places and provides animations for dual axes/maces/staves/etc. (DSR has already done this quite well).
6. Allows for a cross combination of multiple weapon types that do not require out-of-game manipulation to work.
That is to say you can use dual swords on back, then unequip the left-hand sword and the remaining sword will move to your left hip, then equip a shield and the shield will go to your back and all the while the animations change to fit the weapon type and combination you are using.

Of course this would result in a huge amount of combinations, the shield alone would have;

Sword + Shield, Mace + Shield, Dagger + Shield, Axe + Shield, Stave + Shield, Spell/Unarmed + Shield. (In and out of sneaking)

Adding a new element for dual weapons and cross-combination would have, for example in a sword, placement and animation for;
Sword + Sword, Sword + Dagger, Sword + Mace, Sword + Axe, Sword + Stave, Sword + Unarmed.
=> Then the reverse in the opposite hand =>
Sword + Sword, Dagger + Sword, Mace + Sword, Axe + Sword, Stave + Sword, Unarmed + Sword.

Shield will always be on back, as will 2H weapons and staves, axes/maces will always be on the hips (unless someone comes up with a better spot).
However with swords and daggers, in a dual wield situation the swords or daggers will always be on the back, when wielding just one in the right hand and a spell/unarmed or any other weapon in the left hand the sword and dagger will remain on the back.
Using a sword/dagger with a shield will always put the sword/dagger on the left hip.

Add it all up with the 6 weapon types (Sword, Mace, Axe, Dagger, Stave and Spell/Unarmed) and that's a lot of animations and combinations. Which is probably why this kind of variability wasn't implemented in the base game. Even though it would be awesome. :tongue:


Now I realise that this is a huge ask and a massive undertaking. I myself wouldn't even know where to start with a construction of a mod on this scale, in fact it may not even be possible due to engine limitations (I haven't looked into it, and this post is also for me to find out if its even possible), but I thought I'd put it out there for anyone who'd like to wrestle with the issue.




Edited by ChaChaLoco
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Oh and DSR, IA and XP32 are still really good. Just wondering if its possible to go the next step.
If not, does anyone know where I can found a good, thorough installation guide for DSR, IA and XP32?

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This is pretty much as simple as creating/editing new skeleton nodes for a repositioned quiver, which I've requested a couple days ago and gotten no response. I'd do it myself, but I really have nothing to do it with. All of the animations (draw/sheath dual swords on back, draw daggers on back hip, draw/place shield on back, pull arrows from belt quiver position) already exist in their respective mods (DSR, IA, XP32, and Belt-Fastened Quivers/Frostfall) and can all be used together fluidly, as I have done this before. However, you come into the issue of only being able to have belt-fastened quivers with messed up swords/daggers/etc draw animations and/or missing weapons on back typically, because between all those mods, none of them has a skeleton compatible with both DSR and BFQ (being XP32 and IA's included skeleton).

You can get them to work together for the most part if you load the XP32, IA, and DSR up in the correct order with the right options selected (would have to go back and look again to tell you) and then simply download the belt-fastened quivers optional stand-alone animation. The only thing that's impossible to work around with that method is drawing dual weapons from your back, where you'll get a 2h weapon draw animation rather than one hand to each weapon.

I know that's not exactly what you're asking for, but maybe it's at least something to try to mix/match until someone with the capabilities to create a custom skeleton shows up. I'll try to look back over it and see exactly what options in each loader need to be enabled to get them to cooperate if you'd like.

Also, you might try looking at the contents of what gets extracted after using the loader and seeing if switching skeletons around will make the animations work. XP32's is the only one with a node for the belt-fastened quiver and support for dual weapons on back, etc, so it'll be one of those.

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Yeah, I think I'll leave it for now. I don't want to mix and match for hours and then end up with a less than satisfactory result anyway. :P
Not that the mod authors haven't done a great job, they have, but not quite what I'm looking for and they're not perfect when combined.

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