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SKSE Save Loading Bug


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I'm gonna go straight to the point. My saves won't load. Instead it totally closes the game itself. I've had the latest version of SKSE. I've had mods installed as well. I have noticed that the problem starts later in game when my character reaches level 20 and up. Because of this I used to make saves up to 5 different slots and overwrite the oldest when I reach 5 save slots. I did this so the files on the directory won't accumulate too much. I really need help. I can't keep making new gameplay everytime.
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You should not overwrite save files with other saves. That is why it is recommended to uncheck all auto saves in in-game settings when starting a new game. Also if you use quick save I would delete your quick save file every time you exit your game. As for keeping save slots if you are talking about what I think you are simply go to documents>my games>Skyrim Special Edition>saves and keep as many saves as you want and just delete the older ones.


By the time I finish a game play I usually have over 20 save game files, saving four or five times an hour depending. After I exit out of the game I usually only keep between five to ten of those saves and delete the rest; I always delete any quick save file if I made one.


I realize there are many people who keep a lot of their saves and it is a matter of opinion and game play as to how many of your save files you want to keep, just do not overwrite your save files.

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I created a new folder in the save location, called it 'old saves', and just move all but the three latest saves into it after I exit the game...


OP, did you check the save game size? There is a bug that happens when the uncompressed save file gets too big. I think that SSE Engine Fixes has help for that one (SaveGameMaxSize - must be set to true, disabled by default).

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Hello community! I want to tell you that something unusual happens to me with Skyrim SE saves; I will try to be clear.

The last saved game is game three (3). If I load this game directly, then the game, when saving it, causes an error that takes me to the desktop.

Now: if before loading the game three (3) I load the previous two (2), and once the game two (2) is loaded, without leaving the open game, I load the three (3), there is no error and I can save my games normally.

In my way of analyzing what happens, I sense that something ... a complement and another routine of the game is loaded in game two (3) and that this load remains residual on my PC so that later when loading the three (3) the error does not occur.

Asked them:

Has something similar happened to someone?

Does anyone have a suspicion of what may be happening?


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Sometimes a game save becomes corrupted. According to others, the chance for corruption increases when: 1) overwriting/saving over old saves, 2) using quicksaves or autosaves extensively, 3) having very large saves because of game length.


Solutions 1) don't overwrite saves to save space (you can use my trick of making a separate folder on your PC or removable drive and move old saves there, 2) disable autosaves, 3) install SSE Engine Fixes, and use SaveGameMaxSize.


Unfortunately, once a save becomes corrupted, the only cure is to load an earlier save, and delete the corrupted save. 'Spamming' saves (using the save menu often) is the only preventative I know...


Maybe someone more informed has better info, but this is what I have seen.

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1. Try ReSaver.


2. Last ditch procedure for loading corrupted or incompatible saves: Start the game with Steam and save. This may eliminate problem scripts (and also some you wanted to keep). Load the save with Vortex or MO or whatever you use for your mods. You may notice some mods are no longer functioning properly. Reinstall them (but don't delete them first, overwrite). If this procedure doesn't work, remove the latest mod you installed and try again.

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