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G.E.C.K. preview window is splitted i three


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Hello Nexus Forums,

Just started out doing a little basic modding trying to make a face in the geck, but just as I've started I've run into a problem:

It seem like the preview window showing the face of the npc I'm looking at is splitted in three windows. I've looked on google and on this forum, but only managed to find someone directing to the "GECK PowerUp" mod and this topic which didn't seem to help me a lot. So I've made my own topic in hope someone could please help me, as it is a pain in the ass to mod with. I've also attached a image of what this anoyance looks like:

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Are you using ENB (enhanced shaders)? When you first open GECK, use Shift+12 to disable ENB or temporarily remove the d3d9.dll from your Fallout directory.

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It's okay, it happens to me all the time. Sometimes the render and preview windows won't display anything at all and I end up raging pretty hard without even thinking about it being d3d9.dll doing it, even though it's happened like five times already. :laugh:

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