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Jetpack - OnAnimationEvent (Getting an event to trigger when Jetpack is used)


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I'm currently attempting to create a script that will trigger when the player's jetpack is in use. Here is what I currently have, however I haven't been able to get the game to trigger the event at all;


Scriptname JetpackMode extends ObjectReference
Event OnInit()
RegisterForAnimationEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "jetpackStart")
Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
Debug.notification("OnAnimationEvent Triggered")
if (akSource == self) && (asEventName == "JetpackStart")
RegisterForAnimationEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "jetpackStart")
I have also tried using an OnAction event (to use with the games 'ActionJetpackStart' Actor Action form), with equally lacking success...
I've exhausted just about every idea I could come up with and my attempts to use every concievable combination of possibilities has led to nothing, any help would be greatly appreciated!
Edited by Btoop
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Update: Okay, so it appears that the 'jetpackStart' Animation Event and many others just don't work which is super helpful.


If anyone has any information on how to fix animation events or how to achieve the same outcome with an 'OnAction' Event script, your help would still be greatly appreciated!

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Update for anyone who digs this up in 12 years time: I have achieved what I was after using the 'OnControlDown' event and a 'JumpEnd' animation event.



There are a few drawbacks to this method, however it functions well and without any major compromises.

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well, I would like to make a backpack - a helicopter. Naturally not for power armor. I can animate clothes, but I haven't used sequences yet. Just a looped animation. But if I animate a mechanism - transformer, folding blades, respectively, I need to use the sequences from the rocket pack. The question is ... Do you just need sequences, or do you need to add annotations, as for furniture animations? Can I create sequences and just copy the behavior extra data in nifscop? What exactly is used to trigger the jetpack animations? Sequence names, or annotations for them? Edited by South8028
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well, I would like to make a backpack - a helicopter. Naturally not for power armor. I can animate clothes, but I haven't used sequences yet. Just a looped animation. But if I animate a mechanism - transformer, folding blades, respectively, I need to use the sequences from the rocket pack. The question is ... Do you just need sequences, or do you need to add annotations, as for furniture animations? Can I create sequences and just copy the behavior extra data in nifscop? What exactly is used to trigger the jetpack animations? Sequence names, or annotations for them?


I'm not sure honestly. I've only worked with animation events and the first thing I now know about them is that many of them just don't work, despite being listed in the Creation Kit.


The only thing that I can think of suggesting would be using F4AK HKXPackUI (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16694/). This tool can convert the game's animation files into XML, allowing you to look at and edit any annotations and such, which could help provide the information you are after. (I tried using this method to see if I could get the animation events working but I personally didn't have any luck in doing so).

Edited by Btoop
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well, I would like to make a backpack - a helicopter. Naturally not for power armor. I can animate clothes, but I haven't used sequences yet. Just a looped animation. But if I animate a mechanism - transformer, folding blades, respectively, I need to use the sequences from the rocket pack. The question is ... Do you just need sequences, or do you need to add annotations, as for furniture animations? Can I create sequences and just copy the behavior extra data in nifscop? What exactly is used to trigger the jetpack animations? Sequence names, or annotations for them?


I'm not sure honestly. I've only worked with animation events and the first thing I now know about them is that many of them just don't work, despite being listed in the Creation Kit.


The only thing that I can think of suggesting would be using F4AK HKXPackUI (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16694/). This tool can convert the game's animation files into XML, allowing you to look at and edit any annotations and such, which could help provide the information you are after. (I tried using this method to see if I could get the animation events working but I personally didn't have any luck in doing so).


Have you seen jetpack cross? I think, can copy everything from this mod.We must try to contact the author. Maybe even ask for a small manual. What if he's a good guy?

Edited by South8028
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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if this is going to be useful to you. I just released a mod/modding resource and articles to help with non-PA jetpack animation - switch from T-pose to just performing a jump. I included a script, which uses OnAnimationEvent. But the script extends Magic Effect, not Object Reference.


Thank you. In fact, everything is useful. I will make meshes a little later and animate them by copying all the sequences from cross. I'll just try to replace the cross models with more advanced models and animations. In general, can start by trying to create the simplest animations by recreating the nif structure from cross. Then, having worked out the principle, collect all sorts of advanced devices for flying and jumping.
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