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newbie question about PLUGINS


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I installed a plugin. MW warned me with this in the textbox of the plugin installation dlgbox:


"Morrowind.esm is required for this file to be loaded, and it has been changed more recently than this file. You might experience problems with the game."


When I run it, it crashes after displaying a msg that says:


" One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information"


I checked "warnings.txt", which says:


"One of the files that "lgnpc_SN.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save. This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message but not necessarily fix any errors."


The trouble is, MW crashes immediately -- I don't get a chance to save! What do you suggest?

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Usually the "Morrowind is required" error doesn't create any problems. What it means is that the maker's version of Morrowind that the plugin was saved to is different than yours. If you don't have the patch for Morrowind (or whatever expansion you have), you should get it and that should fix the problem.


If you do have the latest patch for whichever program you have, try openning up that plugin in the construction set and re-save it (so that it's now saved under your version).


If this plugin requires expansions, do you have them?


You can also try re-installing the plugin to make sure that you got all the files where they need to go.


If all that fails, tell me where you got the plugin and, if it's not over a couple mb, I can try it out.

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Thanks for your reply. I haven't done EVERYthing you suggested yet, but some of it and working on the rest.


In the mean while, do you know of reliable mod(s) that provide new faces (well drawn ones) that will work on MW without expansion packs?


I installed the official mw patch (v1.2.0722).


I tried to install the Rhedds Heads for female Bretons and it crashed -- with no warnings or messages. Very disappointing because those are the best faces I've seen so far. Do you know if the faces show up on only my char or on all female breton characters in the game?


I'd actually like a faces mod that improves the look of faces for every type.


I've heard that certain mods slow performance -- do you know if that's true?

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You could also try re-installing Morrowind. (I'd suggest uninstalling and then installing again, not re-installing.)


Rhedd's just changes your face. I prefer them as well.


The best NPC replacers in my opinion that I know of would be Astarsis. I don't believe his require expansions. I also put on Rhedd's heads at the same time as Astarsis's because -- I think -- that gives me more choices for myself for heads.


You also might want to get Rhedd's vampire heads so that you inadverdently run into ugly vampires less. :D

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I found the forum for Plugins. It was helpful in that it listed the file-types and which folders they should be in.


I looked at my folders and found several files in the wrong folders, which would explain why certain mods aren't working.


It had some other helpful info, though too much talk about file compression apps.


I'll look at Astarsis and Better heads.... thanks

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