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Need help with pirate themed quest


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Hello all,


I really need some help setting up a quest for a pirate themed abode mod I'm almost done with :pirate:

Problem is, I haven't tried scripting since Oblivion.


Yes, the CK comes with scripts that already address most of these things, however I need to know HOW to use them, as google and youtube have kinda failed in that regard and I am a noob.

I already have every stage, objective, and alias completed. I'm just trying to get the in world objects linked to the quest.




Essentially I am having the most difficult time making a trigger start the quest when the player walks through it.

So here stage 0 would progress to 10.


From there I just want the quest to continue after the player reads a book.

Stage 10 -> 20


Then once more after opening a container.

20 -> 30, etc.


Lastly, the quest is completed after opening a final container.

Now here's the fun part. When opening that final container (when the player has their back turned) I want to spawn the boss right behind them.

I know that this will require an xmarker and such, but I need all the help I can get.




Any help would be grately appreciated

and may the divines bless you for aiding this poor beggar




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Update: Well, I was able to figure out how to get the trigger and the books to work after some tinkering. In fact, the method involving the properties tab is so easy I feel almost feel ashamed I didn't see that sooner.


My foolishness aside, I still really need help with that boss spawn script.

Could one possibly have him idle somewhere out of sight in the cell, then tell him to teleport to an xmarker?



Seriously, anything would be great.

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place him where you want him in the cell editor, and in the cell editor box, double click him, this should bring up the refrence window. Then just tick the box "initially disabled".

Add him as an alias to your quest and tick "Allow Disabled" and hit ok. Then when you want him to "spawn" use this:


Remember that "Alias_Boss" should be replaced with whatever you call your boss alias.

(it works like so: "Alias_<AliasName>". So if you call your boss alias Dave, you would put "Alias_Dave")


You can check out this tutorial for help: http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Quest_Loose_Ends

About half way down, you will see the part about having someone/thing initially disabled. I'm sorry if what I have said isn't exactly right, it has been quite a while since I done any scripting in CK, or anything in CK for that matter.


If you need help with aliases, check this: http://www.creationkit.com/Quest_Alias_Tab

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Thanks Sonnyspak!


I figured it out a while ago after scouring the creationkit's website, but it took quite a bit of testing before I got a handle on it.

After a few days of practically hitting my head on the keyboard, I finally got everything exactly the way I want it and learned a lot about scripting on the way (It's surprisingly akin to visual basic, which is very nice). Except for one thing.


All of my quest markers work except for one of them. I did nothing different on this stage and have the alias set up correctly and everything. I even tried putting some code in the papyrus fragment area under the quest and it still will not point to that single treasure chest's alias. Any idea on a workaround?


It seems I'm not the only one either, because some other people on the creationkit's talk site say the same thing.

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It's just a treasure chest that completes the quest and also holds the rewards. The items inside do not do anything and are just there for the player. The chest has its own OnActivate() script to take care of the quest stages and complete the whole thing when it's opened. The problem is getting the quest to recognize it as a valid alias it should put a quest marker on. That's what has me baffled.

Edited by PR0JAX
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