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Riddle me this Batman


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I have a few other games. Fallout 4 , NieRAutomata, Halo. They all launch and play fine, then close and return to windows with no issues.

Skyrim Se on the other hand Hmmm. I started with launching the game through mod organizer. Did not get to the start menu. Went to a black screen and no video detected. Could not get back to the desktop, so had to restart the computer. I have verified the game files. I have given admin rights to the sky rim ex, steam ex. I have tried to launch the game from the SKyrim ex,so not having any other third party programs or mods. A totally vanilla start. Game started and got to the start menu screen. Woo Hoo I thought. Closed the game at this point. Black screen and that cheery no video detected message playing pong around the screen again. So start the computer again.



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For at least your first start, be logged into Steam. You will need the following if you don't have them:


1) SKSE64 for SSE (When the game starts, Steam will adjust your skyrim.ini accordingly.

2) Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch

3) Set compatability mode to highest OS on the list.

4) Regardless of what anyone else says, you still have to restrict your frame rate to 60 FPS.



There have been reports of SSE not working/responding well with Windows11 OS. I don't have it so I can't confirm it.

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Thanks for the reply varkonasnorse. I have also read that W11 is going to not be good for all gaming, something about killing the FPS.

It seems that every second windows release is a problem child. If you start from windows 98.

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