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Fish problem....


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Two ways I would have in my mind.


1) Add some invisible collision layers (you'll find that infront of bookshelfs) above the pool surface. Make sure these objects do not have any script attached!


2) use a grand child script as follow to prevent any hit or activation of fishes



Scriptname annakCritterFish extends CritterFish
{ReDragon 2021, 10-10}
; https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/10588778-fish-problem/

;Scriptname Critter extends ObjectReference
; main extender script for all critters handled by script

;Scriptname CritterFish extends Critter
; handles the behavior of fishes (salmon, pondfish) and their schools

; *** Note *********************************************************************************
; A vanilla activator (which has the "critterFish" script attached) has to be duplicated,
; after that change the papyrus binding by "critterFish" with "annakCritterFish".
; Use an editior to copy the whole code from here into the script called "annakCritterFish".
; Do not forget to compile the source ".psc" into ".pex".
; -- Skyrim --
;  Skyrim (32-bit):     Data \ Scripts \ Source
; -- Skyrim Special Edition --
;  Skyrim SE (64-bit):  Data \ Source \ Scripts     --> your installed Skyrim
; *****************************************************************************************

; -- EVENTs -- Next events have been added to make fishes swimming in pool not able to catch by player or NPCs.

EVENT OnActivate(ObjectReference actionRef)

EVENT OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProj, Bool b1, Bool b2, Bool b3, Bool b4)

EVENT OnMagicEffectApply(ObjectReference akCaster, MagicEffect akEffect)



Edited by ReDragon2013
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