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New Weapon and Armor Ideas (Only Please)


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So I was thinking one day... Why are there so few vanilla weapons. And don't get me wrong I am not a encyclopedia of Fallout Universe Knowledge but I feel that it does have to few weapons...


I had this one idea for a REAL-LIFE weapon I am pretty sure would be in Fallout if the Chinese are trying to invade, the Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher. I have been trying to find if anyone is working on this with no success. I think it would be a feasible weapon. Sure it would need some animation work (or something to that extent) and retex and modeling. But I know I would be REAL appreciative of ANYONE who would help make it. I meen if someone can make a hand-held "Hydra Pod" (http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2027), I'd like to believe someone could do a RPG.


Another idea was the Ak-74, which I was able to find, but it was in German I think... Maybe there will be an English Version and bravo to whoever made it (I can't remember off the top of my head). I was a little surprised to find a SVD, which I though was awesome. There were also some Remote Explosives I found. I don't know, I give props to oldshadow for they idea and it IS FUN! But, just an annoyance of going back into the menu just to unequip/re-equip... It is good though. Also, I think Anti-Personnel Mines (Directional) would be AWESOME too. Like Claymores and stuff... lol


Along the lines of America Weaponry left over from the War. Why is there no M14? I actually like the M14 more than I do the M16. I really like the M14 EBR. Also, similarly to the RPG would be the LAW, I think I remember seeing something about someone making something... Specific I know...


Here is a list of weapons I thought of (Just a few possiblities):


AR-10 (American)

AR-18 (American)

AVS-36 (Russian)

DP-27 (Russian)


A-91 (Russian)

Ak-9 (Russian)


HK XM29 (American)


I also had ideas about shielding and all that good stuff, but armor really isn't my thing. But I did think of a Bulletproof Shield. Why isn't there some along the line of ANY kind of shield. I think if you transfer over Oblivion stuff it might be easy to make them. I am not 100% about scripting and all that, I am just a new modder throwing some ideas out there.


Also, underbarrel grenade launchers. I think more weapons should have them. I remember seeing a Weapon Mod Kits that added all this stuff to vanilla weapons. I think it should be like that, you add it on. I would love to see all types of weapons like the M203 w/ Underbarrel Grenade Launcher. But have a Silenced Scoped M203 w/ Laser Sight included. It would indeed be awesome.


Please, I would LOVE to here comments.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Simple kevlar vests. Every police station in the US has a HUGE number of them - some must have survived. Treat like vault security armour, but they don't cover as much of the body - torso only.


Add in ballistic plates and those areas are far more safe, but they do slow you down a bit.


Do a search on SWAT gear.


I'd like to see some older weapons - the Lincoln rifle is a lot like my Winchester (I have a 1892 model), and I do use .44 magnum rounds. There should be one or two more out there as they are VERY popular weapons.


A colt .45 peacemaker is extreemly accurate and will knock a bull down, but it's not much for range and there is that 6 round limit. Reload time is also a real pain. Each round on mine has to be manually removed and replaced. Guess that's why folks carried more than one weapon. ;)


Coming up the time scale is the Colt 1911a1 - workhorse sidearm for the US military and law enforement for a huge span of time. Stopping power, ROF and you can beat people with it when it's empty. I had to use one to drive tent pegs into frozen ground and it still worked as specifications called for afterwards.


MP5. For close quarters, I can think of nothing better.


There should also be a resurgence of homebrewed black powder weapons. I know that I can make basic old fasioned gun powder and build a single shot muzzle loader. The range isn't great, but it can put a hole through a cinder block and go clean through three peices of 4" thick timber at one shot! You can count that as a VERY long re-load, but one hit should take out anything you manage to hit within 30'.

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