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Left 4 Dead Mod


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Hello, I'm new to the whole modding thing. I'm trying to build a fairly major mod that turns the aliens into zombies resembling those from Left 4 Dead. I have minor programming experience, but I needed help with this.


This is the key for the changes below:

Green - Modifications I can do myself

Red - Modifications I need help with

Blue - Modification that are stretch goals that I don't really intend to achieve, but would be nice to have


I want to know if someone can help me create a mod that does the following:

-Changes the models and animations of all enemies to the Zombie model and animation (this may be a stretch goal, but it'd make the mod 100x better)

-Allows all enemies to climb walls (hopefully not breaking animations)

-Grants enemies faster movement speeds

-Makes all enemies have 1 health (except as mentioned below)

-Removes all base enemy abilities and properties

-Reduces damage of ZombieFist and removes poisonous trait

-Removes all enemy drops

-Removes all base enemy traits

-Replaces all enemy weapons with ZombieFist

-Spawns more enemies

-Randomly spawns enemies of different types than would normally be encountered at that point in the game

-Spawns ongoing waves of non-thin man, basic zombies on council missions


-Spawns constant waves of non-thin man, basic zombies on all mission but doesn't count them towards the enemy count of finished missions

-Removes interceptor combat and UFO spottings

-Removes bomb missions


Spitter (Thin Man): Keeps poison

-Allows infinite uses of poison per game (unless this is already in the game, I can't remember seeing the use it a lot of times, though)

-Increases poison damage (2 per round should do well enough)

-Shortens poison duration so it only affects those in the cloud


Jockey (Sectoid Commander): Keeps mind control

-Reduces mind control range to 1 square

-Kills Jockey on mind control but keeps mind control intact (if someone figures this out, I want mind control to be permanent)

-Reduces Mind controlled units movement to 1 square

Alternatives: Does not keep mind control

-Gets temporary stun (lasting 1 turn) that also deals damage useable infinite times (not sure if this is a stretch goal or not)


Charger (Muton Berzerker): Keeps bull rush

-Has 10 health

-Uses Bull Rush as much as possible (AI change?)

-Gets temporary stun (lasting 1 turn) that also deals damage useable infinite times

-Stuns on Bull Rush impact (not sure if this is a stretch goal or not)


Hunter (Crysallid):

-Moves quicker

-Does more damage

-Gets temporary stun (lasting 1 turn) that also deals damage useable infinite times


Tank (Sectopod)

-Has 30 health

-Has much greater damage

-Has infinite grenades

-Swap grenade model with car model


Witch (Ethereal)

-Has 20 health

-Has much greater damage

-Has much greater speed

-Gets temporary stun (lasting 1 turn) that also deals damage useable infinite times (not sure if this is a stretch goal or not)


I'm not sure how to do the Smoker, or the Tank's knockback attack. Also, some way to identify which Zombie is which would be nice. The end result should be a game similar to L4D but turn based.


Thank you for reading this. I'm not very experienced in Hex Editing and such, so if your solution requires such things (which it probably will, given the elaborateness of my request), please just refer me to the proper tools and tutorials. Personally, I'd much prefer ToolBoks code and such, but that is just for the ease of it. I'm fully capable of learning.


Any feedback or suggestions on better ways to make this work or how to make it better resemble L4D are appreciated.

Edited by Krazyguy75
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