sexyclownbabe Posted October 10, 2021 Share Posted October 10, 2021 I'm currently in the process of fixing up my load order and my modlist for my new playthrough and testing by constantly making a new save and I just found out that even after completing the quest and talking to Constance, I'm unable to adopt any kids. When I talk to them the option "I can adopt you if I want" doesn't appear and when I talk to the street kids like Lucia or Sofie, I can't even get them to share their backstory and they just say dialogue such as "Yes?" or "Hmm?" after giving them 1 septim. So I tried unchecking all my mods except for Skyrim Unbound Reborn and Simple Children (+ its other requirements) and I was able to adopt children as usual so I tried checking another mod that I thought could be responsible for breaking the opportunity to adopt children which was AI overhaul and it turns out I wasn't able to adopt children after, despite using a patch that makes AI overhaul and Simple Children compatible. Multiple Adoptions mod didn't cause any problems so it was ruled out. I thought I found the source of my problem so I decided to check all my mods and start a new save again but when I tried to adopt a kid after finishing Innocence Lost, I couldn't adopt kids again??? I thought Save the Dark brotherhood & Your Choices Matter - Dark Brotherhood could be the cause because they make changes to the Dark Brotherhood questline but those mods didn't seem to cause a problem with adopting so I ruled them out. Some other things (yes, it's random) I noticed that M'aiq doesn't say his random lines and he just says he's tired and doesn't want to be bothered so I wonder if one of my mods potentially "broke" him. Another thing is that back when I testing a new save and I only had like around 90 mods then, I actually could adopt children even before completing Innocence Lost (I had Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul but switched to AI overhaul due to the controversy I heard about the former). Basically, I need help in detecting which mod could break my game into not allowing me to adopt children at all. Sorry if it's still messy, as I have said I'm still in the processing of picking mods and sorting my load order. I use MO2 btw. Here's my modlist: 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp 6 6 Skyrim Project Optimization - No Homes - Full Version.esm 7 7 RSkyrimChildren.esm 254 FE 0 Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl 254 FE 1 Kireina SSE.esl 8 8 Smooth Weapon.esm 9 9 Diverse Random NormalAttack.esp 10 a Enhanced Solitude SSE.esp 11 b Gray Fox Cowl.esm 12 c dD - Enhanced Blood Main LITE.esp 13 d Cutting Room Floor.esp 14 e SkyUI_SE.esp 254 FE 2 MCMHelper.esp 15 f Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp 16 10 Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp 17 11 WACCF_Armor and Clothing Extension.esp 18 12 UNP Vanilla Outfits.esp 254 FE 3 Qw_ACE_CRF Patch.esp 19 13 Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remastered.esp 20 14 FNIS.esp 21 15 RaceMenu.esp 22 16 RaceMenuPlugin.esp 23 17 KS Hairdo's.esp 24 18 XPMSE.esp 25 19 SGEyebrows.esp 26 1a SFO_SkinFeatureOverlays.esp 27 1b Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp 254 FE 4 WoundsOverlay.esp 28 1c JKs Skyrim.esp 29 1d WindhelmSSE.esp 254 FE 5 CapitalWindhelmExpansion - USSEP.esp 254 FE 6 Capital Windhelm Expansion - JK's Skyrim Patch.esp 30 1e Solitude Docks.esp 31 1f Enhanced Solitude SSE USSEP Patch.esp 254 FE 7 SolDocksLight.esp 32 20 icepenguinworldmapclassic.esp 33 21 ogSplendorDragons.esp 34 22 AMatterOfTime.esp 254 FE 8 Reduce Attack Scating Movement.esp 35 23 OBIS SE.esp 36 24 Immersive Encounters.esp 37 25 NewArmoury.esp 38 26 Holidays.esp 254 FE 9 JKs Skyrim_Holidays_Patch.esp 254 FE a JK's Radiant Raiment.esp 254 FE b JK's Bee and Barb.esp 254 FE c JK's The Hag's Cure.esp 254 FE d JK's Riverwood Trader.esp 254 FE e JK's New Gnisis Cornerclub.esp 254 FE f JKs The Drunken Huntsman.esp 254 FE 10 JK's Candlehearth Hall.esp 254 FE 11 JK's Temple of Mara.esp 254 FE 12 JKs Temple of Mara - SPO Patch.esp JKs Temple of Mara - AI Overhaul Patch.esp 254 FE 13 JKs Candlehearth Hall - Helgen Reborn Patch.esp 254 FE 14 JKs Bee and Barb - Helgen Reborn Patch.esp 39 27 Inigo.esp 40 28 VitalityMode.esp 254 FE 15 Dirt and Blood - Dynamic Visuals.esp 41 29 MaximumCarnage.esp 42 2a Enhanced Vanilla Trees SSE.esp 254 FE 16 TamrielicGrass.esp 43 2b FPSBoost.esp 44 2c Riften Docks Overhaul.esp 45 2d Azurite Weathers.esp 46 2e Skyland_Watercolor_Green.esp 47 2f RichMerchantsSkyrim_x5.esp 48 30 DSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.esp 254 FE 17 TrueDirectionalMovement.esp 49 31 TKDodge.esp 50 32 Unique Uniques.esp Bijin NPCs.esp Bijin Warmaidens.esp Bijin Wives.esp 51 33 Bijin AIO.esp 52 34 Males of Skyrim.esp 254 FE 18 SmallerFrostbiteSpiders.esp 254 FE 19 Serana Re-Imagined.esp 53 35 Serana Dialogue Edit.esp 254 FE 1a JK's Belethor's General Goods.esp 254 FE 1b JK's Sleeping Giant Inn.esp 254 FE 1c JK's Angelines Aromatics.esp 254 FE 1d JK's Arcadia's Cauldron.esp 254 FE 1e JK's Silver-Blood Inn.esp 254 FE 1f JK's White Phial.esp 54 36 NoRadialBlur.esp 55 37 ForgottenCity.esp 254 FE 20 PaarthurnaxQuestExpansion.esp SaveTheBrotherhood.esp ww_AlternateDBEnding.esp ww_AlternateDBEnding_SaveTheDBPatch.esp 56 38 Missives.esp 254 FE 21 OBIS-Missives-Addon.esp 254 FE 22 LeapsOfFaith.esp 57 39 Helgen Reborn.esp 58 3a SaveTheIcerunner.esp 59 3b IMAGINATOR SSE - Visual Control for Skyrim.esp 254 FE 23 IMAGINATOR - MCMenu.esp 60 3c Aeonbarr V2.1.esp 61 3d SimpleHorse.esp 254 FE 24 moretosaygeneric.esp 254 FE 25 moretosayrorikstead.esp 254 FE 26 moretosaywhiterun.esp 254 FE 27 moretosaykarthwasten.esp 254 FE 28 moretosayriverwood.esp 254 FE 29 moretosayshorsstone.esp 254 FE 2a moretosaywinterhold.esp 254 FE 2b moretosayfalkreath.esp 254 FE 2c moretosaycityguards.esp 254 FE 2d rugged_rogue.esp 62 3e Daedric Reaper Armor.esp 63 3f TavernClothes-MTM.esp 254 FE 2e wilderness_witch.esp 64 40 wilderness_witch_recolors.esp 65 41 Ophelia.esp 66 42 Dr_Bandolier.esp 67 43 Gwendolic Armor.esp 68 44 LeafRest OnePiece.esp 69 45 DT_VandfaldCottage.esp 254 FE 2f SkyIdles.esp 254 FE 30 Conditional Expressions.esp 70 46 TaberuAnimation.esp 71 47 ImmersiveInteractions.esp 72 48 zzArmormashups.esp 254 FE 31 toughened_traveler.esp 254 FE 32 DX Dark Knight Armor - My Final Version by Xtudo.esp 254 FE 33 NibeneanArmorsAndOutfit.esp 254 FE 34 Qw_BijinAIO_CRF Patch.esp 73 49 Potions.esp 254 FE 35 Unique Uniques_WACCF_Patch.esp 254 FE 36 JKs Skyrim Leafrest Patch.esp 254 FE 37 Dr_Bandolier_CCOR_Patch.esp 254 FE 38 Unique Uniques_CCOR_Patch.esp 74 4a Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp 254 FE 39 CCOR_Ordinator.esp 254 FE 3a Ordinator_WACCF_Patch.esp 75 4b Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp 254 FE 3b SeagullsofSkyrim.esp 76 4c Realistic AI Detection 2 SE Lite.esp 77 4d Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp 254 FE 3c RDO Updated.esp 78 4e RDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.esp 79 4f SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp 80 50 HearthfireMultiKid.esp HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp 81 51 Skyrim Unbound.esp 82 52 Immersive Speech Dialogues.esp 83 53 FCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.esp 84 54 nwsFollowerFramework.esp 85 55 RSChildren.esp 254 FE 3d Animated Armoury - CCOR Patch.esp 254 FE 3e Animated Armoury - WACCF Patch.esp 254 FE 3f Skyrim Unbound - Female by Default.esp 254 FE 40 Skyrim Unbound - Patch - GDO.esp 254 FE 41 Skyrim Unbound - Patch - RDO with Update.esp 254 FE 42 Skyrim Unbound - Patch - WACCF.esp 254 FE 43 Qw_WACCF_RSChildren Patch.esp 86 56 RSC Forgotten City Patch.esp 87 57 RSC HR Patch.esp 88 58 RSC Solitude Docks Patch.esp 254 FE 44 RSC Enhanced Solitude Patch.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PurifierA Posted October 10, 2021 Share Posted October 10, 2021 (edited) That's a long list of mods you got there. Honestly I wouldn't know where to begin and it could be anyone of those mods causing the problem. Not just children mods. But here is what I do when I suspect any one mod is conflicting with one of the others. First I use LOOT to get my mods in the best load order and test in game. And you can get that here if you don't already have it; Sometimes that works, but not always because overall it organizes your mods to work with each other better (doesn't really fix major conflicts) and may give you some insight as to what's going on. Handy tool, but not totally reliable at solving everything. And if that doesn't help solve the problem then I use SSEEdit. And you can get that here if you don't already have it; With this tool you can detect mods conflicting with each other when you apply a filter to show the conflicts. Very helpful tool when you understand it an learn how to use it. You can do wonders with that thing. I've modified different mods with that tool. Anyway, that's all I can think to tell ya at this point and I hope what I suggested helps. Edited October 10, 2021 by PurifierA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
7531Leonidas Posted October 11, 2021 Share Posted October 11, 2021 A possible problem with your LO - the RDO-CRF patch is not necessary per Arthmoor, if you load RDO first. From the CRF comments page: 15 July 2021, 1:37PMI told you how to resolve it. Move CRF so it loads after RDO. Get rid of any CRF+RDO patches, you won't need them anymore.LOOT should already be in line with this configuration.xEdit should not be complaining about anything in any of this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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