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BD armor replacer changes male helmets for no reason


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This extremely bugs me. When i enable BD armor replacer, without building anything in bodyslide, guard helmets and daedric helmet get changed. I even got to the point of uninstalling the whole game, and reinstalled every mod calmly and in the correct order but the problem is still there. Daedric helmet transforms into a hood, city guards helmets and some others show the face much more. Just why? I literally did nothing apart enable the mod and it changes

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hum, i went into meshes/armor folder and deleted the daedric folder; the daedric armor goes back to vanilla look which is nice but i go completely bald even if i have helmet equipped; with no helmet i grow up hair again


this again only if the mod is enabled, if it is disabled it's all good but wtf? Female armors do not change at all if i don't build anything in bodyslide, why do male armors change just by enabling..

Edited by wattbatt
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Try a new game. If the changes persist, than the armor entries in the esp were probably changed as well. I'm guessing they changed the body part slots which in retrospect makes sense since the armor entries are linked to both male and female versions so changes to body slots will affect both genders. I'm guessing the mod author changed the helmets and such because of said baldness issue.


You'll need to use CK or xedit to change to those entries back to vanilla if you want hair back on males. The caveat being that changing the body slot number will also change the ones for the female armors and may cause problems with them.

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