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Help with trying to add a note to the player via a script please


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I'm working on a mod that I'd like to kick off by having the player find a note (regardless of their current position). I'm trying to get a script/quest that runs which will add a note to the player's inventory if that note has not been added already.


I've made a quest (yourQuest) with 'start game enabled' checked and a priority of 70. It is set to call my script. Here's the script code:


Scn yourQuestAddItemsScr

Begin gameMode

if player.gethasnote PMTigerQuestStart1 == 0
player.addnote PMTigerQuestStart1
      stopquest yourQuest



I don't get any errors, but nothing happens; no note is added.

Thanks for ideas.


Edit: Whoops, this should have been in Troubleshooting most likely. Sorry.

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That script looks just fine, so it's probably not running at all. Make sure that it's correctly attached to a quest and, most importantly, that the quest is running. To set the quest to run by default, tick the "Start Game Enabled" checkbox.



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Thanks for the reply Cipscis. I thought it looked okay too; I just can't seem to get it to run or well.. do anything.


Here's a shot of pretty much the entire quest; please note that I added nothing at all to the Quest Stages, Quest Objectives, Topics, Conversation, Combat, Detection, Service, Radio, Misc, or Dialogue Tree sections. I wonder if there's something in one of those tabs I need to flag?



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You can add: ShowMessage "Whatever" in your script at different places to see if it is running. You can add an else to your if to send a message if you note variable fails.


Also try it without the "player." part. Just use AddNote NotesRef. I think the function is an automatic for the player. Same with getHasNote.

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Hmm, I wonder if my GECK/Fallout installation is corrupt. The GECK was acting a bit slow, so I closed it down and reopened it. After re-launching it, I noticed that I can't scroll past the R's in the scripts option. I can still see all of the scripts if I go to the Scripts section, but I can't select them in the Quest section. Reinstalling GECK has proven to be no help. I can still see all of the scripts below R if I go into the Scripts section.




Should I try to reinstall Fallout?

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Ah, I jumped the gun a bit there. I saw that it ended in 'R' and not 'Z' and panicked. I'll keep playing around with it and see if I can get it to function properly.


Also try it without the "player." part. Just use AddNote NotesRef. I think the function is an automatic for the player. Same with getHasNote.


HOT DOG! I think that was it. It seems to be working now.


Thanks again for the help! Kudos!


It's been a good Fallout 3 modding night for me. Got this script working (thanks to the help) and got my texture mod to work for a new poster I made. Fun!



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