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About to give up on this


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I cannot make Dragon age Extended work for my life. I'm uninstalled and reinstalled, tried sticking things in different places, used the gda app to run the switchboard, turned things from 1 to 2 and back again and even tried coupling it with the basic Expanded shapeshifting mod. I have combat tweaks installed. I've tried using the DA updater, the NMM, and crazy combinations of both. I've just been trying things then opening the game back up and testing the results through runscript addtalent 4018 (Shapeshifter). But I can never get it to work.


The expanded forms never show for me.


I heard that once you learn the shapeshifting spec from morrigan you attain passive boss monster kill counts that unlock the forms, but I've never seen any of the passives nor any indication that boss kills go towards anything.


I just wanted to use the pride demon shape and now I sort of want to die.

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