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Game crashing at the end of "Finding the garden of Eden"


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I love to use mods to enhance the game, they are pretty cool. However, as I was finishing the "Finding the garden of Eden" quest, once the EMP grenade hits me and I get dragged away, the game shows the little clock thing, showing that is loading, and then the game crashes.


I find it weird because I modded the game many times, I won the game many times and with different characters, yet this is the first time something like this happens, and I can't pin point the cause. Maybe it is one of the recent mods I installed. Here's a list:


  • Fallout 3 and the DLCs
  • Wanderer's edition (with the all the CRAFT and CALIBR)
  • Weapon Mod Kits
  • Robco Certified (with Companion Core and all)
  • Darnified UI
  • "1PipboyPDA" Which is the Pipboy Readius
  • A few armors and weapons
  • Wearable Gloves
  • Mr. Smith Scrapyard
  • More music for GNR (can't remember the name)
  • R.A.C.E.
  • Ajustment for the Shishkebab to remove the backpack and the glove
  • Enhance Weather and Dynamic Weather

Those are all the mods I use, for a moment I thought the Weather mods were causing it, but after removing them, I still got the message.


Any suggestion?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have the same problem and similar one at the beginning of mothership zeta. The latter was caused due to a problem when the games removes the items in your inventory as part of the dlc story similarly what happens in the end of GECK mission/Sart of the next. The problem specificaly comes with the mod items you have misses up the process and could be solved by a mod found here: DLC Mothership Zeta Crash Workaround. This removes the weapon removal all together and it worked. I figure it is the same problem your problem though i cant find a walkaround for it nor i have the skill to make one. I hope this is some help.

Edit:Wrong mod link fixed.

Edited by Steven285
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Or you can just deactivate the mods that gives you any items. This will remove any mod items you have in your inventory but the game will progress, you can save afterwards and reactivate the mods.

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