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Explored Map


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I checked the files and forums for a save game or mod for an explored map didn't find much, well other then about 50 my chick is hotter then yours saved games.

What would be nice is a save or mod to have 50-100% of the map point explored.

I am asking for this cause I got a little carried away with my mods and killed some of my saves. ...I know back up my stuff.


Still this would be very handy for players that have completed the game or want to cheat.

I haven't messed around with any of Bethesda's toolkits since Oblivion. I know they are pretty much the same thing, Fallout being on the Oblivion engine and all.


Anyways a saved game /mod with nothing completed other then exploring done would be a very handy mod to have available.


If there is one out there PM me a link please.

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Well that was fast, guess I should of just looked up cheats.

Thanks folks.

Ill lock the topic.

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