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[Mod Request] Fletchery - Expanded Arrow Crafting


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An expansion of craftable arrows balanced to vanilla stats and crafting materials:


Core Wood Arrow | Workbench Level 2 | 8 Core Wood | Pierce 27 | Knockback 10

Flinthead Fire Arrow | Workbench Level 2 | 8 Wood | 2 Flint | 8 Resin | 2 Feather | Pierce 14 | Fire 27 | Knockback 10

Bronzehead Fire Arrow | Forge Level 1 | 8 Wood | 1 Bronze | 2 Feather | 8 Resin | Pierce 16 | Fire 32 | Knockback 10

Ancient Wood Arrow | Workbench Level 3 | 8 Ancient Wood | Pierce 32 | Knockback 10

Ironhead Fire Arrow | Forge Level 2 | 8 Wood | 1 Iron | 8 Resin | 2 Feather | Pierce 21 | Fire 42 | Knockback 10

Obsidian Fire Arrow | Workbench Level 3 | 8 Wood | 4 Obsidian | 2 Feather | 8 Resin | Pierce 26 | Fire 52 | Knockback 10


I have not progressed in the game further than this point which is why my wishlist stops there. I cannot commit the time at this moment to learn coding to make this project a reality. I am hoping a like-minded individual is willing to invest the time to make this. I will have likely have the time in December 2021 If no one picks this up by then. I will edit this post if and when that becomes the case.


Thanks for reading!

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