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Jagar Tharn resurrection Quest


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I'm busy making a quest mod for the spellbinder armor mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21228/? . I really like the armor and the lore for Jagar tharn, and I wanted him in my game as a follower so I cam up with idea a Mage is bring him back to life to tack over Tamriel, wen the mage brings him back to life you kill him and make Jagar Tharn your follower that's the short of it


Quest idea so far:

you start in Riftins Bee and bar wen you sit down by the bar a man talks to u and tells you about skyrim being full of heros and so on then you have to go kill a man to prove to him that you not a hero. SO go kill him and so on then talk to him agen and the man hands you a note as you read it a Mage possesses you and makes you kill the man and sends you to the colleg of winter hold. there you meat a mage and he gets attacked by a strong mage. you kill him and the voice ses to you u passed the second test and makes you kill the mage you just met. He then tells you to go to Sholitud and brack this Battel Mage out of the Jail and make him your follower so you do. But you don't knw that hes basikly going to be the sacrifice for Jagar Tharns spirt to inhabit. So you make him your follower then the voice tells you to go to the ice caverns in winterhould in the lil gost town underneath the city from this mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8333/?tab=3&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fid%3D8333%26user%3D1&pUp=1. there You meat the mage that's bin possessing you. He now wants you to go do sum things for him. first he wants you to go get the Fire Jewel wich a Kijite has in wightrun. second he wants you to go pay a thief gilled member to go to Hig Rock to go collect the aches of Jaga THarn. then go back to the colleg of winter hold were a Mage there is planning on recreating Jagar Tharns armor aka spellbinder armor. needlis to say you kill him and tack the forge recipe to go and make it your self. now for the fun part with the SkyBlivion mod we need to travel to cyrodiil were the staff of chaos is held in the tower. wen you have all the items you give them to the Mage he then puts the Jewel and Staff together then send you to oblivion http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21256/? you find your way out and then sneak up on the mage wile hes busy preforimng the resurrection in http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30522/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D30522%26preview%3D&pUp=1 just as Jagar Tharn is broght back to life you you kill the Mage and tack control of Jagar Tharn. this is just a basic over view of what I have pland let me know what you guys thing any things you wud like to add or tack away if you wud play it just jenril fed back or even if you want to help with voice acting or scripting

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