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Why does my game keep crashing when i launch it?


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First of all, I see you're trying to run DLC addons for mods without the original Mod. "EVE - all DLC", "EVE - NO DLC" and "EVE - NO GRA" all require that you have "EVE - Enhanced Visual Effects" active in your load order. Also "EVE - No DLC" and "Eve All DLC" are conflicting, they're basically trying to change the same thing but in opposite directions. Since you have GRA and all DLCs, only select "EVE - All DLCs", not all 3. Also if you infact don't have EVE installed, disable all 3 "EVE - " plugins then try. Also download FNVEdit and BOSS and learn how to use them, they're the only reason my computer exists after having 180+ Plugins active.











Hope that helps


EDIT: Also what I suggest is uninstalling all your mods from NMM, download FOMM ( http://www.newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/36901 ) and use that instead of NMM, and watch these modding tutorials by Gopher, and follow his instructions very carefully. It may be slow and boring, but it guarantees that you game will work and you'll build knowledge. After that, learn some mod tips and then take on the wide world of modding.


Gopher: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-3c1a9cLL8 (Watch all 10)


Welcome to the modding community.

Edited by RedTheCannibal
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