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Far Cry

[Mod Request] Weapons damage mods


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So, i miss the good old far cry, where bows were one shoting almost everyone, and everything, the bows in far cry 6 needs a dramatically increase of their damages !!

Another example would be : My gold pistol make more damage on anyone than a sniper maxxed out, my nails machine is doing more damage than my sniper etc, Assault rifle are useless when you kill anyone with 3 bullets with a pistol.

It would definitly need a mod.


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  • 1 year later...

I agree %100. I moded FC3 and FC4 to have x5 Damage on all weapons, and it's amazing, I still have FC4 installed. When I shoot some fool on the head, they meet GOD, they don't return fire.

Modding FC3 was really easy, modding FC4 was really hard, modding FC6 is impossible.

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