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A true collector's home


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I've been using Skyrim mods for nearly a year now, especially house and quest mods, and I still haven't found the perfect house mod that allows you to display the dozens upon dozens of armor from the game (+mods and DLC), has a good library, has all crafting stations (Including Staff Enchanter and Spider chamber) and with an actual bedroom set-up. A few mods have come close including:

  • Underground Vault
  • Dovahkiin Warehouse and Bedroom
  • Alastherium: Ultimate Dovahkiin Hideout
  • Halls of Dovahndor
  • Mannequin Corner Club

But they all miss something like there's not enough mannequins or they don't have all the crafting stations. Before anyone asks, I lack the skill, patience and determination to create my own player home using the creation kit.


If anyone at all is interested in making or even considering making this house a reality, here's a list of what would actually make this home entirely perfect for perfectionists and collectors like myself.


  • Bed
  • Bookshelves (Enough for, let's say, 200 books)
  • Weapons racks/plaques and cases (100 or more is good)
  • Mannequins (70 minimum, all vanilla to work with vanilla mannequin script fix)
  • Vault (For gems and precious items)
  • Full smithing area (Grindstone, forge, workbench, tanning rack, smelter)
  • Alchemy lab.
  • Enchanting table and staff enchanter (DB)
  • Spider creating chamber (DB)
  • Well-placed chests near stations (Like ore chest next to smelter, soul gem chests next to enchanters)
  • Arena/training area. (Similar to the one in Alastherium or Leveler's Tower but with all DLC enemies too.)#
  • Greenhouse (Not as important but still pretty cool
  • Mine (Heart stones and stalhrim as well as normal ore.
  • Kitchen
  • Relaxation area. (A chair and table maybe a river or waterfall too)
  • A few NPCs. (About 4 -5, depending on the size. Can be merchants, followers or simple generic NPCs that just add life to the home.)
  • A nice location in Skyrim. (With a nice view from the front door)


I know that it's asking for a lot but I'm sure I'm not the only one looking for a place like this.


P.S If there's already a home like this then tell me. I'd appreciate it.



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I'll take a crack out it. Recently learned how to do minor scripting, so I've been in the CK a lot lately, and wouldn't mind a challenge like this. Give me a few days and I'll get back to you with what I've come up with. (to the drawing board!)

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