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Stardew Valley

Finding animation.Description for pets (cat, dog)


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Hi I am sorry if this question was asked before (probably) but my search yield no results...

I am using the Content Changer mod and xnbcli to unpack the xnb files.


I am trying to find the xnb file where I can edit the sprite animations of the cat, dog (and horse). I want to add some sprites to create new idle animations... Don't change the existing sprites but adding a new row/action. I already worked with animation atlases in Unity. JSON is somewhat new for me. In animationDescriptions are only the NPCS and in FarmAnimals there are the ones who produce aka sheep, cow etc. I cannot find dog, horse or cat however... I think it would be a little bit extreme for a first test to unpack all the xnbs...


I only found cat in monsters? But this is kinda weird. Is this the correct file? There seem to be not enough sprite sequences for the pet cat.


And where are the others? cat.xnb or dog.xnb have no line about the sprite animation order. I don't mean the .png or sprite sheet in itself but where I can add the line for a new animation. like adding 4 frames at the bottom of cat. I probably have to add a string identification for the animation as well? Like "cat_newaction": "36/37 38/39"

I am not sure what the difference between a "space" and a "/" is either since sometimes it's inside of the sequence and more often after the first and before the last frame.


I am super new to this and have very little coding experience. (I am more the asset creator then coder ^^") I am used to edit scripts like I edited JSON files of OBJS and GLTF... so I think have a grasp how to type the line. But I guess when I add a separate file the animation will have troubles with the schedule of the pet? Maybe I am going in totally the wrong direction ... and it works with creating a new file with the content changer framework... since I have troubles with written documentation when understanding codeing (dyslexia) - Maybe a tip to video tutorials would help or a community chat? When I search for "stardew valley mod add sprite animation tutorial" I only get existing mods ^^"


And is there a possibility to test my changes quick for BUG fixing? Spawning in the cat for example when starting content changer version of Stardew Valley.


THX a bunch



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