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Warhammer 40k eldar facepaint


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Hello fellow modders.

Since I am a huge Warhammer 40k fan, I modded my skyrim to play as a eldar banshee (armor, weapons, animation etc.). After a lot of work I created a character preset that fits but I just can't find any overlay or tattoo of that eldar warpath symbol (it's like a triangle with a trident below painted on the forehead).

I have already gone through all overlay and tattoo packs on sse, oldrim and the other site but couldn't find anything fitting. So if anyone please could create such a warpaint for racemenu or slavetats (if that's easier) I would really really appreciate it. Or maybe there is and I haven't found it please tell me. I wish I could do it and upload it but I'm to untalented.

Edited by LordApophis86
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