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Undressing before transformation


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Basically, I am using Moonlight Tales and Werewolf Mastery because they are compatible with each other and being a werewolf is one of the coolest things in this game for me, but my OCD cannot stand the fact that when I turn, I do so with my clothes on. When I go back to human form I am naked and it's all fine but I was wondering if anyone could make a mod that removes all clothing/weapons equipped before a transformation. I know it's werid, it just ruins the immersion for me.

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I included a part of my NPCtransormationScript which I use to control NPC transformations to werewolves to unequipall before going through with the transformation as I noticed NPC f.werewolves with quivers on their backs or spells in their hands which I thought weird.


I don't think it would be too difficult to adapt what I already have.

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