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Banbaro Alpha+ (male) armor from MHW: Iceborne


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Hello! First time doing a request, so I apologize if I'm not asking the right way.

Could anyone make this armor for me? I'd like it to be functionally identical to Stalhrim heavy armor (with the same crafting recipe for simplicity), including the bonus Frost resistance.

Thanks in advance, and if anyone picks this up (and makes a quality product), I'll have additional requests in the future (i.e. the Beta+ set, as well as slightly-modified female Alpha+ and Beta+ sets)! If you need additional screenshots, lemme know and I'll boot up my copy of Iceborne to get some to you ASAP.

ADDENDUM: Please do not just rip the model from Iceborne, but actually model it from scratch - I'd obviously rather have this be legal. If you can't (or won't) make it, then don't take the request.

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