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Please help this is frustrating me

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Hi.. im porting a texture mod to xbox using creation kit.. everything goes according to plan.. it uploads to bethesda ..i save as a draft then log into xbox and download it... it works.. however if i restart the game when i continue a save the mod disables itself ..i have to go back into mods and enable it again ..and it will work untill i restart the game and the process repeats..also i cannot move the mod around in load order ..if i move it up it automatically jumps to the bottom of load order...all other mods in the game are behaving as expected except for this one.


im using fully updated steam, creation kit, fallout, and vortex on pc also my xbox is up to date.


Im using the dummy esp method


I load CK , save dummy esp, load by hand my textures, pack and upload.


any help or advice would be appreciated...i have searched google and youtube for days to no avail.


Im new to modding I know its probably something simple that ive missed or forgotten to do..but i cant find it..ive gone over tutorials everywhere. Ive been trying to get this mod working correctly for days...and btw this isnt the first mod ive uploaded .. ive done several they all work but act the same way as this one.


or if someone knows a good tutorial that would be awesome...it seems all the tutorials are buried under a mountain of other tutorials and not sure where to begin looking as searching just brings up more posts like this one that have no answers.


the mod is this.. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9059 i thought id start with something simple.

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I've had this issue a while back with this mod :



I reworked it and apparently fixed the issue here:



Unfortunately I don't remember how I fixed it, but I think it had to do with the fact the the dummy esp had to have at least one modification to it, for example just duplicate any asset and it could work.

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Thank you.. i think you are right.. I'm not quite sure what you mean by duplicate an asset (pls explain) but i did figure out i can use already made plugins from other mod and just delete what's in them and add my own stuff and it works perfectly. I wonder why my creation kits plugins won't register as a valid plugin.
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By duplicate I mean, create your dummy esp, load fallout4.esm with it, once it is loaded, go to the object window and select any reference from the list, then duplicate it and save.


I think the issue might have been that you created a plugin that had no master associated with it and therefore might not have registered as a valid mod on consoles.

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