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How to add a spell (script?) to an armor?


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Hello. I am looking to add a "conjuration spell" to an armor. Think the 'Rat King' perk from 'Ordinator'. It summons three undead skeevers when combat is engaged.


I would like to replicate that effect or something similar, with wolves, but placing it in an armor. As in, the effect will take place as long as your wearing the armor. Can anyone give me any directions/tips on how would I go about creating something like that?

Edited by Gekoeko
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Here's how I would do it. Put a custom enchantment on the armor. Make the enchantment's magic effect the script archetype. Put the condition IsInCombat == 1 on the enchantment spell in the Creation Kit. That way, the enchantment only becomes active when the wearer starts combat. Then you can put a simple script on the enchantment's magic effect. Something like this:


Scriptname TM_MagicEffectScript extends ActiveMagicEffect 

ActorBase Property SummonedActor Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) 
    akTarget.PlaceActorAtMe(SummonedActor, 3)

Change the script name to something else. You also might be able to just use the Summon archetype for the magic effect, but I'm not sure if that works for enchantments.

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