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Mod Request: Loading Zone Randomizer


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I'm searching for quite some time now for someone to fullfill this request, but with no success, that's why I'm now searching openly here.

I'm looking for someone able to mod a Randomizer for Skyrim's Loading Zones for me.
The idea is basically, that whenever you enter a cave, or a door, a black book, the portal to Sovngarde, anything that warps you to a new area via a loading screen, warps you to a random other exit instead. Fasttravel and Cutscenes that take you to a new place (like the one for the dark brotherhood questline for example) should be unaffected.

The only doors that probably should be an exception are the ones you go through in Helgen to enter the keep, since it's necessary to get the hands unbound.

Also, a Option to re-randomize (maybe based on a seed or something) would be very good.

If you're interesseted in taking up my request, notify me in the replies so we can discuss the details. ^^

Edited by zcul
Staff Ref.: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?&app=core&module=reports&do=show_report&rid=266208
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