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Overhaul 3.0 interior microcosm issue


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I have sucessfully...???? installed the graphics overhaul 3.0 ( on the 3rd try). The game plays normally for the most part but I have a problem when entering some buildings.

In bloodmoon, the town of raven rock is 'assembled' as the game progresses. With the overhaul when you enter any of the 'new' buildings the view switches to a blank 'void' with a small copy of the building interior some distance away. You can travel to the copy and look in , the walls are transparent, but you can't enter. You can actually locate the entrance but pressing 'space' merely returns you to the normal exterior. It may or may not be connected, but the problem exhibits similar symptoms as an attempt to teleport (via the console) into the Tribunal expansion in the 'vanilla' game. I have not tried the tribunal expansion yet with the overhaul.

I suspect that the problem may be due to the transition between areas placing me just 'outside' the cell rather than just 'inside'.... some sort of mathematical discontinuity?

I'm using the GOTY edition (DVD) on PC running W7. Can anyone help or offer a solution/explanation? Note:This doesn't appear to happen with add-on mods such as the neverhalls

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