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Morrowind Errors


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Hello everybody, I just reinstalled morrowind, and I lost my bloodmoon and tribunial discs, but I saved the esps and bsas. So i put tribunal in first and got these errors:

"Chunk size 10 too big in chunk WEAT_ID in form REGN_ID.Max size is 8, data truncated to "

"data handler not recognized"

but the game still worked.


So i installed bloodmoon and I got these errors:

"Chunk size 10 too big in chunk WEAT_ID in form REGN_ID.Max size is 8, data truncated to "

.Region 'Felsaad Coast Region' Weather Chances do not total 100 percent.Chunk size 10 too big in chunk WEAT_ID in form REGN_ID.Max size is 8, data truncated to

.Region 'Moesring Mountains Region' Weather Chances do not total 100 percent.Chunk size 10 too big in chunk WEAT_ID in form REGN_ID.Max size is 8, data truncated to "

.Region 'Isinfier Plains Region' Weather Chances do not total 100 percent."

And the Game no longer works.....

Any advice?

I've tried reinstalling, I also used the bsa registerer.

Nothing works!

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I recently bought the Anthology version of The Elder Scrolls and installed it on my computer. When I installed Morrowind and the Tribunal, and Bloodmoon dlc's, then tried to play the game, I got a message at lockup. "Failed to load snowflake:meshes\BM_snow_01.nif." Any ideas? Please. Morrowind by itself plays fine.

Edited by Agatana
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