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Can the editor do this?

Crim, The Red Thunder

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Can the TES construction set alter (read: Change) the music that is played in the game? Replace with things a bit more... distinctive?

Or is there some other way to do this?


(Sorry if it's a stupid question... im new here.)

(P.S. Im new to the editor too, but im not quite completely vapid about it...)

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You will not require (read: need) the CS to do that. To add music to Morrowind's rotation, place MP3s in the "\Music\Battle" and "Music\Explore" directories. To replace the music entirely, simply delete or rename the audio files already in those directories.


If you wish to play this music via console or by use of a script, you must use the StreamMusic command.

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Okay, thanks. That answers part of my question. (Aprreciate it!)


Now, can i set a song to play in a specific cell or during a certain event? (Like setting a certain song to play in whatever house mod (of my own creation) i am in currently using.)

Another example of something id like to do would be to have certain fights (like against unique creatures (bosses, like the dagoth vampires, Stadda the golden saint, Vivec, The big guy himself (You know who im talkin bout!), the unique wraith/ghosts, etc.)? Is this possible? And will i need the construction set for it?


Another instance would be to have certain types of dungeons play certain music tracks (note... more then one). (Something dark and spooky for tombs; upbeat (moreso then the current explore tracks) for towns, something eerie and demonic sounding for daedric ruins, etc.). Preferably without having to set every dungeon individually...


Is it also possible to attach a song to an item (Like a weapon? or a certain piece of armor?) so that it would only play when that item is in use? (I may not do this, but i can think of one instance where id like to...)


Hope this isnt considered OT...

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