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Armored Tunnel Snakes outfit


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hey guys, i had an idea for an armoured tunnel snakes outfit, i made a start and got a certain distance with throwing something together but its very rought and not really any good (uses two seperate models :S) thanks to my inability when it comes to modelling,

Heres what i managed,pretty crappy i do think it shows how cool it would look though :D




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it would be awesome if somone could make an outfit that has the armor from the armoured vault suit, minus the straps across the chest and back,maybe with the right arm cut away like the leather armor, i imagine it wouldnt even be hard to do for some of you awesomely talented modders out there!

I REALLY REALLY hope somone trys and make this proper :D :thumbsup: :D

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he he, mad max indeed, i would be lying if i said i hadnt thought about mad max while doing it, hell lets face facts the entire story of fallout is pretty close to mad max


to be honest i just dont like the leather armor in the game ccant explain why i just dont like it,

i only wish i had the modelling skills to make this myself :( just hope somone decides to make it proper :biggrin:




Edit: hmmm something tells me noones interested in doing a mod as simple as this.....

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