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4 year old OBV AI "helper" mod that desperately needs a ReRLS&


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So folks - its been awhile since I visited. Life and stuff.

Three days ago I reinstalled a heavily modded Skyrim, and during the first 10 minutes of play, I was watching some NPC bandits runnning headlong into a rock, spinning their wheels (running in place) trying to get to me - I thought to myself -something has to be done about this- so off I went searching for a solution to the problem.

No dice.

I then remembered I have all of my old mods from oblivion backed up to a few DVD's, and distinctly remember a mod called NPCjump, a jewel in the rough... Well I found it, yet I have no access to oblivion anymore (no disks) so if anyone wants the mod outright to try and tear it apart in the OBV construction set, and port it to skyrim, I'm sure you'll become rich and famous, and loved by the skyrim community that hates watching NPCS get stuck walking forward on small 3 inch rocks. (I for one would donate on nexus - big time)

Send me a message here or email me: [email protected] if you'd like to get your hands on it and give it a whirl. PS - I'll get an email quicker - I don't check here too often anymore.

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