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Crafting bodies


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At first, sorry for my english language (I am not an English speaker).

I am a newbie to the forums, although I've been downloading mods, mixing, improving, translating or creating new mods for over a year, but always for my own use.

I've been developing a mod to allow crafting in game the most popular female bodytypes created by the nexus community, in order to use armor, accessories, etc. created for these bodies.

Tired of installing and uninstalling body mods, every time I downloaded a character or armor mod based on those bodies, I started creating a common directory with folders containing textures and meshes, in order to modify the downloaded mods to use these resources.
Later, I did the bodies craftables, to use them whith accessories, clothing parts, etc, and the mod was growing step by step (600+ different bodies now).

I think it can be interesting for nexus community, unfortunately, I have not enough time to finish it (It is completed at 80/90 %). If anyone is interested in collaborating and working together to complete the project, or at least uploading files, updating, translating, getting permissions, etc.. until I have time to finish it, please tell me.

How it works?

In the tanning rack, you can manufacture the main bodies for ADEC, CBBE, UNP... (with 3 hair styles + shaved). Then, you can apply three types of tanning marks to every body.
These bodies can be transformed into three types of muscular bodies in the smithing forge. Each muscular type has different armor values, and can be improved in the workbench.
All bodies can be enchanted and renamed using the enchanter table.
Bodies can be sold, donated to followers, etc. like any piece of armor, and beast races are also supported.
All bodies must use the same texture base to avoid seams in feet, hands or neck.


when I can, I'll upload a video for better understanding.

Please, if this section is not appropriate for this post, I request a moderator to change it, thanks.

Edited by Kalambre
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Here a videocapture to show how it work.

I use Daylimotion because YouTube considers the video as ADULT RATED.


As you can see, the mod is full playable but unfinished.

Things to do:

Create GND meshes. Provisionally, I'm using the default body meshes.
Translate body names (My game is spanish version). Easy, because they are very generics, but tedious.
Some normal maps for ADEC body, and other texture corrections.
Add more variations to some bodies.
Other minor fixes.

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