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Balanced Weapon Shouldering for Casting


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So. Skyrim lacks a certain mechanic that was available in Oblivion.

To lower or (Skyrim Animations allow this) Shoulder your weapon to equip a spell in your left hand.


This should make 2Handers unable to be used during ''Shouldering'' for balancing and realism purposes.


This should make Grip switch available for 1Handers to mimic Longsword Fighting Techniques.


This should enable Daggers to be used with ''Shouldered'' 2 Handers to mimic (as much as possible) Medieval Fights where you try to batter down your enemy and his Armor and go for his unprotected vitals to kill him.


It would make Paladin/ Templar Classes a thing including Medieval Longsword Fights.


It should take Compatibility with all other Mods in mind specifically SkySA.


CGO and other Grip Switch Mods suffer from broken functions and balancing issues (they do too much).


Skysa Grip Switch does similar for SkySA but offers too much like CGO does and has compatibility issues.


Jump Attacking or Jump casting is unrealistic and its also best if movement and leaning and dodging mechanics are left for other mods and such a mod is made with compatibility in mind for them.


Leaving this here as a Suggestion.


Thanks for reading.

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