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Perk changes


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I would like a mod that makes the well fitted, custom fit and other like perks to instead of having an armor bonus only when wearing head, chest, hands and feet that the bonus accumulates.

e.g. instead of custom fit having 25% armor bonus if wearing light armor head, chest, hand, and feet you would have like a 6-7% armor bonus per light armor worn

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I would like a mod that makes the well fitted, custom fit and other like perks to instead of having an armor bonus only when wearing head, chest, hands and feet that the bonus accumulates.

e.g. instead of custom fit having 25% armor bonus if wearing light armor head, chest, hand, and feet you would have like a 6-7% armor bonus per light armor worn

Here is a big mod mashup patch that works but also provides details and links about each perk mod and you may find stuff you like in regards to armor pieces worn https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/26702

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