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Ohai, it's Kai.


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Well I guess I should start with Hi. I've never been brilliant at introductions, seeming either to waffle on or make it too short. Hopefully I can do this one just right.. My username, as you may have noticed is Kai, well it would have been had it not been taken already by at least 2,000,000,000 other members, of which 1,999,999,999 are completley unactive (exaguration). Though you may also know me as Arathorn over at the official forums.


I'm mostly here for the Tes community, I don't, although I would like to, make mods, but I will happily download and play them! :biggrin: I love taking screenshots and writing both in Roleplays and Fan-Fics. As well as helping out and giving advice wherever I can. I know a little about hardware and computing, though am about to enroll in a course (irl) to learn a lot more.


I too, like MikeyValentine93, who's welcome post is just a few below mine, coincidentally, am part of the Valentine Empire, so if you want to pop by and say hello please do.


The Valentine Empire


My favourite, and only played Tes game, is Oblivion. And will mostly mull around in that general area as well as here in the more off-topic areas.


Cheers I guess, for the welcome in advance and I look forward to becoming friendly with most of you, if not all.



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