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Clothes/armor distribution to settler npcs?


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Visiting settlements and interacting with npc's for whatever reason, a part of me gets bored of seeing them always wearing the same thing. I can't just go around to every npc I have in settlements and just equip different clothes/armor on them (that would be even more boring.)

I am basically wondering if it is at all possible for anyone to design a mod where you can place all the spare clothes/armor you collect throughout the game into a box, or something, that is programed to distribute them to the npcs. Also, (I feel this one is a stretch) make it so that every few game days, the clothes are randomly redistributed. if this somehow exists already, please tell me.

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I don't know if something like that is a possible due to the game engine, but there is a mod called Better Settlers that adds a larger variety in settler looks and clothing. It also has an option to add clothing and/or hairstyles from two other mods.

BS: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4772

Extra Clothing: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22431

Hair styles: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8126

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