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Less bandits spawn points (mod request)


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Did you guys ever think that there is simply a LOT of bandits in Skyrim? There are even more bandits than "normal' people in the cities and settlement so what about a mod that reduce the number of spawn points for roaming bandits and the ones in the forts and mines? So in a new game you're not pretty sure about the places there are bandits spawned


A good example for this proposal it's the mod True Hunter - fewer animals per square meter, that basically did what I said with animals but unfortunally the mod author says he isn't interested in expand the mod to bandits and other creatures


That would be bring a immersion and gameplay improvement because in gameplays of dead is dead in Requiem for example not deal with 10/15 bandits in every camp all the time would make the survivibilaty in the early game more balanced and a less poluid in late game



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