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Adding new NPC in Power Armor


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I'm trying to add more Power Armor equipped foes to the game. The idea I had was similar to how in example the various Raider levels appear as you level up (Raider Psycho, Raider Waster, etc), it can also spawn a new Raider NPC equipped with Power Armor after a certain player level. For my own entertainment I've been tweaking with the various Leveled NPCs and NPCs in general (integrating NPCs from other mods, balance tweaks, etc), and I can get the new Raider NPC to spawn.

The issue I have is that this new NPC doesn't spawn in Power Armor, but just as a normal Raider.


As this is a simple experiment so far, I've made a full copy of the Raider Veteran (EncRaider06 / 00149C9F), and set the new NPC's Power Armor Stand to LvlPowerAmorFurnitureRaider (00153392). I then added it to the LCharRaider (0022E48) and LCharRaiderBoss (0007CE08) Leveled NPCs to ensure it will spawn ingame, which works fine.


As far as I was able to compare with vanilla FO4 Power Armor NPCs, the Power Armor Frame was the only difference, but I think I overlook something. What however, I can't figure out. I've also compared my changes to what the Power Armor to the People mod does, but as far as NPCs go, it has similar changes to the ones I've made so far.

I do want to stick to my own project, as this other mod has a lot of tweaks and other creative changes that I dislike or don't need right now.


I'm probably overlooking something small, so any help is appreciated :)

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