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In Need of Update for "Build High Settlements"


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There seems to be no alternative to Build High and, for whatever reason, there seems to be a lot of people reporting bugs for it lately. Unfortunately, the creator of the mod doesn't seem to exist anymore. Would it be possible for someone to do an unofficial (or roust the creator from where he's vanished too and take over) patch or update?

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You may have seen this, but maybe not. "All Settlements Extended - Player's Choice" https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/29095 Do not confuse this with "All Settlements Extended ' which is also by neeher. They are not the same or compatible with each other. The one I linked allows you to pick which settlements you want expanded. This does increase the build height, but I don't remember how much. I don't know of any others.

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Sweet! I did a few different searches to try to find an alternative to Build High and this never came up. Thanks a lot!

Downloading now!

I've used this for years and love what it does. I believe that at Abernathy farm you can build to the top of the tower and, Sanctuary is also about 20 blocks high. The train tower settlement with the two women expands all the way down the hill and into the water. I brain farted and can't off hand remember the settlement name. These were originally released separately, you can if you want check them out at nexus or YouTube. Being a FOMOD you can pick which ones to expand, and can leave some smaller. Enjoy.

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You don't happen to know of a mod that will expand Graygarden even further, do you? Under Build High I built most of the walls for my defenses before I had issues with the mod not registering and many of them are beyond my current borders under this one. Ideally, something that extends the borders to stretch from the top of the cliff to the end of the rail bridge and from the fence for the neighborhood to the bridges on the overpass would be great 'natural' borders that make a lot of sense to me.

Edited by TarvinDracken
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You don't happen to know of a mod that will expand Graygarden even further, do you? Under Build High I built most of the walls for my defenses before I had issues with the mod not registering and many of them are beyond my current borders under this one. Ideally, something that extends the borders to stretch from the top of the cliff to the end of the rail bridge and from the fence for the neighborhood to the bridges on the overpass would be great 'natural' borders that make a lot of sense to me.

I haven't played FO4 in several months and have been using Sim Settlements 2, so haven't checked in a while with ASE. Those highlighted boundaries may not be the exact edge they appear to be. To test this, enter workshop mode and cross the line. Wherever the game kicks you out of building mode is your true boundary. it's certainly worth a try.

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I did and I found that I can sort of get around it using place everywhere and another mod the turns off the build mode timer when you leave. I was able to complete at least part of the defense.


Unfortunately, it seems all the settlement borders under Settlements Extended are all smaller than they are under Build High, but I have found no way to get Build High to start working again. I'm glad I'm not stuck with vanilla borders, at least. Those are downright pathetic.

Edited by TarvinDracken
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