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Mod that makes NPCs flee from dragon/vampire attacks?


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Long story short:


1. I don't reload. Ever.


2. almost half of merchants in the game were killed by dragon/vampire attacks. Now I need to travel between cities to sell anything.


3. I never understood why an apothecary would rush towards an ancient dragon with a iron dagger in his hand. So I want to prevent that from happening.


Is there a mod that makes merchants flee from attacks, makes them essential, or re-spawn them when they die?

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Run for Your Lives and When Vampires Attack should be what you are looking for as far as fleeing. I'm not sure if there is anything for the other two (respawn and essential).

Edit: These are what blacksupernova is talking about.

Edited by K00L
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Arthmoor's mod can't make NPCs flee a dragon attack spawned by Deadly Dragons, as they are spawned by a script that the DD authors won't release the source for. Or more accurately, they'll flee until the first dragon is dead, then come back out and get killed by the rest of the spawn.


It turns out there's a SKSE command that can help on a one-by-one basis. If you open the console and click on an NPC, typing GBO will give you their base object ID. Then type setessential baseID 1 and they can't die after that. You have to be running the Skyrim Script Extender for that to work. Or you could look up their IDs on a wiki site, but that's a lot more tedious.

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The two mods listed are outdated and buggy as i recall even though i used the dragon flee one in the past, i made a rant thread about cizitens being too brave and charging to kill everything but as usual no one listened like with the rest :p

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The two mods listed are outdated and buggy as i recall even though i used the dragon flee one in the past, i made a rant thread about cizitens being too brave and charging to kill everything but as usual no one listened like with the rest :tongue:

i use both of them and they never gave me any problems , what sometimes does happen is thazt npc get stucked and fail to get to safety in time

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