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Stardew Valley

Trying to find a Mod I used to have


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Hello, I'm just trying to find a mod I had a while back. It was a mod that showed locations of artifact spots. It would indicate a little red arrow to where the dig spot was. I found the one I had for panning called Better Panning but I cannot for the life of me find this other mod. It was super helpful. Thanks for any help!

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Are you sure it was a mod? I ask because what you're describing sounds like the Tracker profession you can get when you reach level 10 of foraging. If there was a mod that did the same sort of thing it isn't one I'm familiar with, though as an alternative you could always use a mod that will give you the Tracker profession. I use the mod called CJB Cheats Menu, and one of its options allows you to toggle any of the professions at pretty much any point (regardless of skill too) so you could enable or disable it whenever you wanted.

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