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Is Virtual Reality Motion Controls for Halo possible with the new Halo Mod Tools?


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Hello! Can we change how the gun receives directional movement? Let's say we separated the main camera from the gun. (Like how I sorta did it here) https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/qg06cq/halo_vr_glitchy_motion_controls_dof_increase_with/

Could we make it so the gun receives directional movement from a motion controller instead of a mouse/xbox-look axis joystick from a controller? Is this possible with having access to Mod Tools and custom scripting? This video shows you what I'm trying to do with the motion controller - https://twitter.com/i/status/1205097012472926208 He managed to do it, now I want to know if we can with the Halo mod tools.

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