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Playerhome door mod request


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I was hoping someone could make a really small mod for me.

A new player home mod came out called Hill House. I love it allot but i really really wish it was within Solitude.

What i was hoping is someone could edit the Proudspire manner Bottom door and side door to go to the Hill House interior. Then have the inside door of the Hill house drop you outside of the proudspire manner.

Bottom outside door (basement) of the proudspire manner would enter the side smithy room of the hill house.
The side door up the front stairs would lead to the main entrance inside the hill house.
Leaving the old back door be the only way to get in to the original proudspire manner.


I dont want any edits other then doors changed around so they lead to those placed and i dont want any edits to the mod makers wonderful original house. Plus this will leave me with a way to get in to Proudspire if need be.

Reason i have not done this myself is lack of skill really with modding and issue with getting the creation kit to work right. (it crashs and windows closes the program when i start it up) I used to do a bit of decorating but sense i had to reinstall my computer i haven't been able to get the creation kit to work.


If anyone could help me i would really really love it ^_^



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It's quite easy to do it yourself.

I've never tried to edit someone else's mods, but it should work since you can load their plugins on the creation kit.

First, find the cell for Solitude and look for the door to Proudspire Manor then double click it.

This will open up a window a below 'Encounter Zone' there will be a list of tabs.

Click teleport which should open up the reference things and all that.

Leave that to the side, don't close it or anything.

After that, look for the house's interior cell (This will require some looking, and hopefully you'll find it. An easy way might be to first only open up the mod's plugin file, locate the cell name for the House Interior and then start from the first step).

and then look at the window you opened previous, and in the 'Teleport' tab, click on 'Select Reference in Render Window'.

This will change your cursor and all you have to do is click on the doorway you want to enter through when you enter through the door to Proudspire Manor.

This will link it and create a yellow marker.

The yellow marker basically tells you what position and place you'll be in when you enter, so place that appropriately infront of the door and make sure the triangle is facing front.

DO the same for the other doors and the opposite for the exteriors and you should be fine.

It might take about 15-30 Mins, but it's better than waiting for someone else to do it.

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as i said above i cant even get the creater kit to open. I get a windows has stop working thing and windows asks if i want to close it or search for a salution

If you try waiting long enough, and do not touch ANYTHING on your pc, it should pop up. Also, close out of a lot of programs, like iTunes or Pandora, Firefox or anything that isn't needed to run the CK. Brenticus is right, super easy, just follow hiss instructions.

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File: C:\_skyrim\code\tesv\tes shared\misc\bgslocalizaedstring.ccp


line: 2871

localization: error opening or reading strings file.


(after that i get)

Masterfile: Localization: Zero entries or empty blocks size read from strings file strings/dawnguard_english.strings.s strings will be missing
"yes to all" will disable all warnings for this context


(after i hit yes the game crashs and never moves again)

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