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lol- fallout 3 hilarious findings


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I totally agree with Harabec Weathers. Stealth character is cool (I had one with Chinese Stealth Suit and 100 Sneak) for a while, then...it just becomes very boring. You almost feel...to powerful.


Not really so much as too powerful, I just got kinda bored with it. Yea sneak crit hits are devastating, same applies to crit hits in general. But sometimes you just gotta get in there and mix it up ya know. Go toe to toe with and Albino Radscorpion and turn him into dust with the shocksword lol. I for one am partial to flamethrowers :biggrin:

Mmmmmmm smells like victory ;D

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I took out a super mutant behemoth in 6 hits using sneak criticals...


Granted, it was a small behemoth from Marts Mutant Mod (sometimes, in big groups of super mutants there will be a behemoth thats only a little bigger then the regular super mutants.) but still... I six hit a goddamn behemoth and one hit all the rest!

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I was following Liberty Prime down the track with Fawkes and I'm thinking that there are rather more Enclave soldiers to deal with that there should be and when I turn round there are no BOS forces left and Fawkes & Sara Lyons are trying to blast bits off of each other. They were friends when we left the Citadel :yes:
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The best thing that happened to me by now was when i was in Operation Anchorage inside the Simulation, confronting the End Boss (the chinese General with the Sword) i somehow failed in killing him and reloaded the Auto Save but the Dialog did not start, he was just standing there and behind me the Guys in Power Armor keppt coming and behind him the Chinese soldiers kept comming, nobody fired at me or him, i couldn't moove and those guys fought each other for like 10 minutes... died and new ones respawned at the doors, was a nice battle to watch.



Next Reload another strange thing in the same sequence was that one of the Guys in Power Armor started firing AT ME while i was fighting the chinese guy... he was friendly at me though (the name was not red) and when i shot at him all the other Power Armor Soldiers went hostile at me too... and RELOAD again... next time he still did shoot at me but i ignored him and just killed the chinese General and the Sequence was over.

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Fallout 3's funny moments, for me:

1. The talon company meteorite: some bug in the ragdoll system creates an overly elastic stretching effect on the model, to which the polygons respond to the best of their triangular abilities. You see what is in essence, the mesh of a talon company merc flying through the air in a spider like fashion, all his bits jumping out and about, his chest popping and such. Aparently when I shot him he fell into a rock that had poor collision detection, so he fell half way in and his arm fell into a collision box that hadn't yet been spawned (I wasn't close enough till his arm fell in), which made him into a giant slingshot, a slingshot that ruined my cover 5 times, by flinging into the scene, landing near raiders/ enclave and turning their view towards me. As soon as he landed, he shot off again, and didn't land till I entered another combat scenario, at which point he ruined my stealth tactics and lifted off, AGAIN; rinse and repeat till I got to scrapyard where he crashed into the cars, jarring them with such force that he inflicted enough damage to explode them... and there are ALOT OF CARS IN THE SCRAPYARD, Dogmeat was incinerated before I even found him... okay, obliterated is better since I found dog chunks, not an ash pile. Then, the Meteor Merc Lands next to me right as I exit the scrapyard to shoot something before I reload to a previous save. It stays this time, and I just stare at it, and then approach it to try and use z to throw it somewhere so it wouldn't shoot off again. It launched, AGAIN!. I reloaded at the entrance to the scrapyard and he fell right next to me, thankfully, not exploding the cars. I shot that ragdoll till he was a headless black knight. Even in death, Talon Company hunts me, and annoys me to no end.

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I have three of them, one isn't encounter of hilarium though.


I created a character named Bombtard who specialized in explosives who is a complete jerk. I gave him 80 Nuka-grenades and just went around megaton dropping them on random characters, was funny to me anyways as they screamed "Watch out! Grenade!" Etc. Yes, he armed and detonated the Megaton bomb out of his Bombtardedness needed to see the mother of all bombs.


The second one was when i was in the Capitol building, in the atrium dome where the Super mutant was. I killed a Talon company merc and his body spazzed out with his legs and arms stretching 20 - 30 feet bouncing all over the place. Well, as Elastimerc flew around the atrium, his leg hit a super mutant making him explode into guts, as well as 3 other super mutants the gut explosion was just funny as hell in the way it happened..


The Third one was doing that funny thing where you put 40 - 70 Frag mines near Tenpenny, shooting him to make him get off his chair and run into the mines blowing sky high. It failed for me because of this: I placed 70 Frag mines and 7 Bottlecap mines in front of him, i crouched behind his chair 10 feet aimed at his head with a hunting rifle, and blew his head off instead of making him aggro me he fell down with his head flying off the tower. The funny goo noise made from the gutsplosion and the combonation of a unexpected outcome in the name of that trick failing was quite the laughter for me, cheerio!

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In the main quest in point lookout I was helping to defend the mansion from the tribal attack with Desmond. I had laid some mines down on the stairs, near doors... pretty much anyplace I thought some crazies might come from. All goes well and the tribals fall. Desmond had stayed on the second story for the whole fight while I ended up at the bottom of the stairs. After the last tribals had fallen Desmond ran down the stairs to talk to me and BOOM! He trips a mine in the middle of the staircase, does that 'invincible falldown' thing that essentials tend to do and lands flat on his face at the bottom of the stairs. It made a really hilarious 'THUD' sound when he hit the ground too, and he went hostile for about a second between the time he tripped the mine and the time the explosion 'killed' him. It was like he was mad at himself for being so stupid :P
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I think the funniest thing that ever happened to me was when I was doing the Mother Punga quest and when I, eventually, figured out

the saw and the needle were images from Tobar the Ferryman cutting your brain out

. I also got a kick out when you find the

"Familiar Piece of Brain"

in the main room on the ship.

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Not really something you can find ingame but...


I was playing through Zeta, killing aliens with my music player on random. It managed to dig up an old song by Will Smith, Black Suits Comin'. I just had to put on a black suit and black shades. :P Now I just need a Noisy Cricket.

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Recently I scouted around evergreen mills and noticed that all the raiders and the behmoth had respawned (thanks to marts mutant mod) and, not making the same mistake of charging in twice, I shot the generator, unlashed the behmoth, sat back, and watched the chaos unfold....



God damn I love the chinese stealth armor...

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