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lol- fallout 3 hilarious findings


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I've seen one of those "spastic corpses". You know, where it starts flying around and gets rapidly stretched to insane degrees in different directions before flying away?


I've also had a few VATS problems. Namely, standing at a corner or near another solid object, then spending all my AP on weapons like grenades, the Heavy Incinerator, Tesla Cannon, etc. Then the target moves ever so slightly sideways while in slow motion, and I end up having to watch my character hit the wall directly in front of him while I'm unable to move him away from the splash damage. I've suicide about three times due to this.


Also, I tried to kill Fawkes, just for fun. 0_o

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Once I was attacked by two Deathclaws outside the Regulator HQ. I killed one of them but then the other one jumped up in the air and... never came down. It flew straight up and vanished into the sky. It still showed up on my radar and everything, I just couldn't see it. After leaving the area and then returning, it had returned to ground level again.


But the absolutely weirdest thing I've ever seen was when I shot a raider female and something apparently went wrong with her ragdoll effect. As she fell to the ground, her body was drawn out into a long, multi-segmented line that started flying through the air will spinning wildly in every direction. It kinda looked like a large flying scribble. She kept flying around, sometimes moving outside of my visual range and then returning. I couldn't get close enough to loot her and she wouldn't go away. It was pretty freaky.


Had that once with a Giant Radscorpion near the whatsis-Armoury out in the wastes. The scorpion was completely stretched out, beyond recognition -straight through the outer wall, through two rooms with a dividing wall. And it just wouldn't stop twitching. The only way I knew it was in fact a Giant Radscorpion, was when I put my crosshairs on it.

That was just too weird.

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just had a new one: I was somewhere near ravenrock, and a slave runs up to me and tells me "Those Raiders put explosives on me" Me being the knight in shining armor and a quite good explosives skill decided to help her. I get a message: "You succesfully disarmed the explosives..." Then the slave runs a few yards and BAM! his head explodes???? WTF


Had this happen to me near the SuperDuper Mart. My skill was way too low to be of assistance, So I started shooting the raiders, hoping I could save her before they would detonate the charge. Guess what, while I'm busy blasting two raiders, the blighted *censored* turns on me and starts hitting me with a pool cue from behind. Now there's gratitude for ya.

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I once was beset by two Deathclaws out in the wastes. I manage to pop one. And then the other one is gone. Simply vanished. But my threat meter is still active and as I'm crouched the red "Danger" flickers on and off in my HUD. When I engage VATS it zooms in on a now invisible and frozen Deathclaw. Using my mouse pointer I can identify its various bodyparts, but I can't see it. And taking shots at it, didn't do anything -no damage. Time for a reload.
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i was level 2 and going to gnr when randomly 3 deathclaws killed me :ohmy:


also i found this door when i opened it it said '**** you' on a wall :glare:


i had the feral ghoul outbreak mod so i tried it once when i loaded my game there were about 50 feral ghouls around my level 2 character.

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I was doing Operation Anchorage and was on the last stage (force field yay!) when I saw a sniper shooting at me...from a few feet away.I havent noticed the force field and was trying to shoot him down not noticing that the gaus rounds were going off into the field.I decited that it was my aim so I went into vats.At some point the camera angle is just behind the sniper and I see the shot go off into the field.just as Im about to say "F---!!!"s I see a scoped revolver`s (magnum) barrel right behind the sniper and the next thing I know was his head being splattered by the mestirous stranger who mestiously made it into the simulation,behind the force feild and onto the watch tower....

Ive never been more hapy to have the mestirious stranger perk on =P

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I've seen one of those "spastic corpses". You know, where it starts flying around and gets rapidly stretched to insane degrees in different directions before flying away?

oh i am not the only one, lol i spawned like a 1000 behemoths and 1000 deathcalws to see which was the toughest...all the deathclaws ran for thier lives leaving me with those, i got my megaman (mod what makes a new fatman what fires 60 at a time) and blew them all up... it has never stopped raining yellow since, lol.

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A few things:



1). I was out exploring (either trying to find where the Family was in Blood Ties or maybe somewhere around Canterberry Commons) when I came across Crazy Wolfgang, his caravan guard, and his pack brahmin all spawned on the same spot. They were just standing next to a pond but the thing is that it looked like only the Bramin was there and when I got close I walked thorough it and saw inside... and then say Wolfgang and his Guard standing inside the brahmin seemingly fused together (they were both in the same spot but facing opposite directions, like it was one person with two faces! It was really freaky. You know how the brahmins udders are really low to the ground? Well it looked exactly as if the bramhin had eaten both of them and they had somehow got mutated and fused together into one two-faced person inside a two-headed cow... and its udder was like a bulging stomach they were standing inside of.


And I could just walk through the brahmin and talk to wolfgang (though it didn't go into the shop menu).


I was like... woah, this is messed up. and then I just walked away and pretended I hadn't seen it. I figured that maybe later Wolfgang and his crew would respawn correctly if I left them alone for a few days (don't remember how that turned out).



2). Another time I was heading for Canterberry Commons and saw Wolfgang and his crew (not mutated or eaten fortunatly) and tagged along until we ran into some raiders and I helped fight them. I took out the raiders, including one with a flamethrower but when the dust settled I saw wolfgang was dead.


Since I like wolfgang and the merchants, I couldn't just loot him so I started singing that final song from Doctor Horribles Sing-Along Blog "So your world's benign... so you think justice has a voice? That we all have a choice? Well now your world is mine..." as I physically picked him up and carried his body to Canterbery Commons so that Uncle Roe could give him a proper burial.


But even after I drag him into Dot's Diner and set his dead body into the chair in the corner, I talk to Uncle Roe and ask him about the trade caravans and he says he hasn't heard from Wolfgang for a while.


I eventually started using console cheats to resurrect him, but his guard and pack brahmin don't stay with him and Uncle Roes doesn't regognize his existence.



3). Another time, I got fed up with Morierty badmouthing me whenever I visit his saloon to buy stimpacks from Gob. So I waited until he stepped out to overlook the town from his little balcony thing and then picked up a trashcan and started ramming in into him repeatedly. He died and nobody cared, even when I stripped his corpse, dragged it off to the side and used an autoaxe to saw off his head, arms and legs (Lucas Simms walked past and said he didn't want to see me causing trouble... oh, nothin going here Sheriff Lucas). Then plopped his dismembered torso in front of the door to make a grisly welcome mat for people to wipe their feet off on and tossed his limbs over the edge and set his head on a nearby wheel (those metal car wheel things that have the tire removed from them)


The weird thing was that Morierties head and limbs came back, like somebody tossed them next to his body to keep them all nice and tidy... but there were extra limbs there as well, even an extra head that looked sort of like Moreirties but completly bald (his regualr head was there as well). I just find it funny that Gob takes over the saloon and Morierty was reduced to a horribly mutated pile of limbs used as a doormat.



4). And, finally one that might actually be funny. I was fairly low-level (I ran up to Rivet City straight out of the vault to get the intelligence bobblehead) and along the way got a flamer from a raider. Upon coming back to megaton I started the Power of the Atom quest and told Lucas about how Burke wanted to blow up Megaton. Then wen Lucas turned around and Burke tried shooting him in the back with his little 10mm I let him have it.


Me: You know Burke, you could have gotten away with it if you hadn't made one fatal mistake... you tried pulling a gun on the sheriff when the guy who you tried to hire to blow up an entire city full of people and subsequently sold you out to the authorities was standing two inches away from you with a flamethrower pointed directly at your face.


Burke: .... *dead*


Me: Now to strip the clothes off your charred corpse... mmm... in pretty good condition despite smelling like napalm and overcooked ham.

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when i frist played fallout 3 i found this guy sitting on a chair called king of the Radroach with over 30 of the blooded things around him the thing is i was only level 2 .... i all most died!!!! lol


oh side note i have never found him again!!!!!

I've run into him a few time's.


The plunger room is the best easter egg in the game,it just looks like a dev was screwing around on night and made it.

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when i frist played fallout 3 i found this guy siiting on a chair called king of the Radroach with over 30 of the blooded things around him the thing it i was only level 2 .... i all most died!!!! lol


oh side note i have never found him again!!!!!


Haha.Yeah thats a random encounter,and it most likely not going to happen again,i just blow his head off,his little friends had the same luck.


Have you guys been exploring the wastelands when suddenly a girl comes up to you and says "i have a bomb attached to me!"(the girl had a slave collar) then run and blow up. :blink:


See ya :thumbsup:



lol when exploring DC RUINS alot of them come up to you in random encounters. sometimes you can quickly speak to them and disarm the bomb. get the reward and maybe blow there head of lol.



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